Storing Small Items – Part 2

Last month we introduced a few ways to store small items including custom made dividers, plastic dividers on small beam racking, traditional small bin shelving and rotabins. This month we provide a few more small items storage ideas and end with a general comparison. […]

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Store Product Picked Together, Together

In an earlier blog we discussed ABC profiles and cube movement distribution. Through this analysis you should be able to determine if products are frequently ordered together. If you do see a significant correlation between products, consider storing the products together to help reduce overall travel time per pick tour. If the pick correlation frequency […]

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Know Your ABCs

Paying attention to the fastest selling items to make sure they are located in the most advantageous picking position will generate significant labor cost savings. If available space is a concern, slotting will also help improve storage utilization by focusing on the slowest movers to see if their assigned bin space can be reduced. […]

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Space Utilization Part Two

In Part two of our Space Utilization series, “The Supply Chain Doctor” Chris Barnes discusses more ways you can utilize space in your Warehouse. Think Cubic Feet The impact of using vertical storage space depends on your current storage clear height and product stack-ability restrictions. For example, in the beverage industry, a stack height limitation […]

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Who are Korber? What you need to know as a Impact WMS Customer.

In August 2017, Körber acquired HighJump, which is now managed under its business area, Körber Supply Chain. Körber brings together a number of companies, including 12 supply chain technology providers (four in automation and eight in software and consulting). These 12 providers include two WMS providers that have multiple WMS solutions. HighJump (named Körber since […]

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