Directed Put-away – Caution

In recent months we outlined several advantages of using a warehouse management system (WMS) to direct product putaway to minimize operator decision making requirements. We pointed out the potential improvements in compliance, operator productivity, and overall space utilization. But as the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. In this example the cost appears in three ways. […]

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Directed Put-away – No Location Found

Directed put-away removes the routine and tedious decision making tasks from operators allowing them to be more productive. A good warehouse management system (WMS) should allow management to define various put-away rules the computer will use when determining the best put-away location. […]

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Online Learning Opportunities

The COVID pandemic has changed the way business is done. More working from home and less professional interaction, but you still want to network and continue learning. A positive coming out of the shift in socializing is the numerous online professional development opportunities available. […]

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Know Your ABCs

Paying attention to the fastest selling items to make sure they are located in the most advantageous picking position will generate significant labor cost savings. If available space is a concern, slotting will also help improve storage utilization by focusing on the slowest movers to see if their assigned bin space can be reduced. […]

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Is your Warehouse productive?

Most people want to do a good job, know where they stand, and be recognized for their performance. One easy way to accomplish this and also improve productivity is to develop a simple process measuring performance and posts results in the warehouse. It does not have to be a complicated process. Simply measuring and recording […]

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